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Istio & OSSM

The easiest way to deploy for Istio and OpenShift Service Mesh is via the LeakSignal Operator.

Deploying the Operator

LeakSignal Operator is available on OperatorHub, or as a Certified Operator on OpenShift OperatorHub.

You can also install the operator via a Helm Chart:

$ helm upgrade --install leaksignal-operator oci:// \
--version 0.11.2-helm \
--namespace leaksignal-operator \

If updating from a previous version via Helm, make sure to manually update the CRDs:

$ kubectl apply -f

You can find the code, CRDs, and Helm Charts on GitHub and more documentation Here.

Native vs WASM

For Istio & OSSM, there are two available deployment modes: Native & WASM.

  • WASM provides a full sandbox for LeakSignal to run in, providing redundancy in case of failure.
  • Native provides more performance for less resource usage, and in some environments, more reliable networking. It also supports live hot-reloading for new versions of the proxy unlike WASM. It is not fully supported on OSSM though.

So which should I pick?

On OSSM, WASM is recommended. Native mode requires a custom Envoy proxy image to support dynamically loaded Native proxy modules which is not currently available for OSSM, and some OSSM features will not work with the LeakSignal-provided proxy image.

If you are concerned with deploying executable code into all of your Service Mesh Sidecars, WASM might also be the right choice for you, as it provides a fully sandboxed environment.

If you want to minimize resource usage, get latency improvements, and more reliable networking to Command, Native is a great choice.

Deploying the Proxy

With the Operator deployed, you can now deploy LeakSignal Proxy.

Single Namespace

To deploy in a single namespace, you can create a LeakSignalIstio:

kind: LeaksignalIstio
name: leaksignal-istio
# Version information is available at
proxyVersion: 2024_02_14_13_47_18_c5db81b_0.10.1
proxyHash: a3e851833223951f3460c4851d088ff1efc0a955cba7a68c7cafa0e596c474b2
# from Command, or the Deployment name in LeakAgent
apiKey: MY_API_KEY

Single Namespace (Native)

If you want to deploy with Native mode, there will be a different proxyHash and a native: true flag:

kind: LeaksignalIstio
name: leaksignal-istio
# Version information is available at
proxyVersion: 2024_02_14_13_47_18_c5db81b_0.10.1
proxyHash: e39c76c48fe7416372bc28775024dc688daf761161880a232f76d2a891b76ff5
native: true
# from Command, or the Deployment name in LeakAgent
apiKey: MY_API_KEY


If you would like to deploy LeakSignal Proxy in all namespaces, you can create a ClusterLeaksignalIstio. Any namespaces that contain a LeaksignalIstio will not be affected.

kind: ClusterLeaksignalIstio
name: leaksignal-istio
# Version information is available at
proxyVersion: 2024_02_14_13_47_18_c5db81b_0.10.1
proxyHash: a3e851833223951f3460c4851d088ff1efc0a955cba7a68c7cafa0e596c474b2
# from Command, or the Deployment name in LeakAgent
apiKey: MY_API_KEY